Tuesday, 17 July 2012

First Acts

The most exciting thing about writing a play is when people start preparing to put it on.

We are delighted to announce the premiere of The Atos Monologues will take on the 28th July. Our friends in Disabled People Against Cuts and Our Olympics have organised a reading to take place as part of the Counter Olympic Network demonstrations in East London. We hope that lots of you will be able to get along. If you can't  we hope to have a link on this blog to livestream on the day.

We can also announce that Act Up, a small theatre company in Newham are well into rehearsals of Atos Stories. We'll keep you posted on progress

We're in conversation with people in Oxford and hope to have some news soon.

This is just the beginning, we'd love to hear from more of you...So any thespians please do get in touch atosstories@gmail.com

We are dedicating both plays to the memory of Karen Sherlock, disability campaigner and victim of the inhumanity of the work capability assessment system.

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